Monday, December 9, 2013


The project that I made for the Historical Sew Fortnightly "one meter" challenge is a pair of 1910's knickerbockers for my son.  I only needed 3/4 of a yard of wide wale corduroy from my stash to construct them, and I was happy to have an excuse to try out another one of my Edwardian patterns.  As usual, it was both a delight to get to work with a pattern that is around 100 years old, but also a source of much befuddlement trying to figure out how to put them together!

I started these last month and intended to use them for the previous HSF challenge, but I ended up having to make them three times before I got it right so they got bumped back a little.  The first time they were clownishly big, even though the size should have been perfect for him.  Next I tried a different Edwardian pattern for knickerbockers that also should have fit him, but they were a little too tight and way too short.  So then I switched back to the first pattern, but I removed about 4 inches of width while keeping the length the same.  So I guess issues with too much ease isn't just a modern problem!

The pattern has "instructions" - and yes, Edwardian instructions definitely deserve air quotes around them! - for a version with a fly and a version with side buttons.  I tried the fly first, but I had no clue what I was doing and it looked pretty wonky, so I switched back to the side opening, but this caused even more confusion when I tried to insert the pockets.  They didn't bother to include a pattern piece for the pocket, and here are all the instructions that were included:

Seems easy enough, but I had no clue what to do with the top of the pocket since it needed to be left open somehow to make the side closure work.  It was probably totally obvious to Edwardian seamstresses, but I'm pretty sure I did it in the most convoluted way humanly possible.  I finally ended up with something wearable in the end, so I guess that's all that matters.

Ironically, the event that I made these for was canceled due to a nasty ice-storm, so I'm not sure if he'll have a chance to wear them before he grows and changes size again.   But it was still fun to try the pattern if nothing else, and hopefully it'll go much more smoothly if he ever needs knickers again in the future.


Quinn said...

Too bad he didn't get to wear them. Despite whatever interior oddities there might be, he looks great in them! :)


Cathy Raymond said...

Elijah is quite the dapper young man in those! (I'm still waiting for the first costuming project he does on his own.)

M'lady said...

I'd love to see in more detail the construction...I'm making myself a pair of tweedy knickerbockers (plus fours) to wear with boots knitwear and tweed jacket.

Lily said...

I love how they turned out! His whole outfit is very dapper. :-)

fixitfaerie said...

He looks so spiffy in them. Does he mind wearing them? Just love it. Paula

Gina said...

Those knickerbockers (I LOVE saying that word!!!) are so awesome! And your son is so adorable! er....I mean handsome! What fun!

Kleidung um 1800 said...

Cool ;)
What a wonderful ensemble from head to toe - and another proof that modern fashion is lacking so much!


Unknown said...

Is there any chance of you scanning in the pattern? I would love to make this for little one!

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Angel17 said...

Where can I buy this for my kids? gutter repair Venice FL

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