Mike and I were invited to an Alice in Wonderland party for Halloween this year, so we decided to go as the semi-obscure characters of the Walrus and the Carpenter. I don't think anybody at the party had a clue who we were supposed to be, but we had a lot of fun anyway!

I made my pants from some super-fab estate sale plaid wool, and I used one of the Martha McCain civil war era pants patterns (Simplicity 5023). I loved that pattern and I had a blast making them! It was such a nice change of pace from complicated girl stuff. The rest of my costume was all scavenged from things around the house or from Dallas Vintage. I actually made a square paper hat like the one in the original illustrations too, but I decided that we were going to confuse people enough as is without throwing another bizarre costume element into the mix!

Mike just wore his old Victorian costume with the addition of whiskers that I made by cutting pieces off a $5 old man wig, and the tusks are plastic window blinds that I cut into the right shape. He thought the little round John Lennon glasses would add a funny finishing touch (goo goo g'joob!)

I didn't take a ton of pictures, but you can see the rest here if you want. We had a lot of fun dressing up this year, and thanks again to Kaycee for inviting us! :)